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Bradford CountyBradford County was created on February 21, 1810. It was formed from parts of Luzerne County and Lycoming County. Originally, the county was named Ontario County after Lake Ontario. On March 24, 1812, the county was renamed Bradford after the second attorney general of the United States, Philadelphia born William Bradford (1755-1795), who volunteered as a private during the American Revolution and advanced to the rank of Colonel in the Continental Army. The county seat is Towanda, named after Towanda Creek and incorporated on March 5, 1828. |
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![]() Map of Bradford County, Pennsylvania, United States with township and municipal boundaries is taken from US Census website and modified by Ruhrfisch in April 2006.
Early History of Bradford CountySource: Excerpt from: An outline history of Tioga and Bradford counties in Pennsylvania, Chemung County, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins and Schuyler in New York by Townships, Villages, Boro's and Cities. John L. Sexton, Gazette Company (Elmira, N.Y.), 1895. Please note the year of this published history (1895). The reader is advised to consider this to be a secondary source and should consider it only a reference for more scholarly research. Its historical and typographical accuracy has not been verified and in some cases, text is missing, and name are obviously misspelled. Some obvious errors were corrected. However, due to possible unusual spellings, corrections to names of people were not attempted. These errors are possibly due to errors in the 1895 original manuscript, errors in hand transcriptions, or misinterpretation of characters by modern digital scanning devices and programs. This copy was found on Google books on April 6, 2011 and is considered to be in the public domain. A hundred years before the chartering of Bradford County, the territory now comprising the area was primeval forest. It is doubtful if any portion of the county had been cleared. It was densely covered with a great variety of trees - oak, pine, chestnut, hemlock, hickory and walnut. In these forests could be found elk, deer, bear, squirrel, rabbit and here and there an eastern buffalo. Mountain streams were filled with salmon, bass and trout. In the low lying areas, streams were filled with beaver who built dams which created swamps.By an act of the Legislature of the state of Pennsylvania, of February 21, 1810, it provided for the formation of a county from parts of Luzerne and Lycoming, to be known as the county of Ontario. The act also provided for the appointment of three Commissioners, by the GoveRcommissioners we:e authorized nor, to survey the new county and fix the place for holding the courts of the same; Samuel Satterlee, Moses Coolbaugh and Justus Gaylord, were appointed commissioners. By a subsequent act of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, passed March 28, 1811, the commissioners were authorized to change the name of the new county from Ontario to Bradford, which name it still bears. On the 24th of March, 1812, an act was passed authorizing the holding of an election of county officers in October of that year, and organizing it for judicial purposes, appointing the place for holding the first court at the house of William Means, in Meansville (now Towanda) until a court house could erected. The county officers were elected in October, 1812, and the first court was held in the county commencing on the 18th day of January 1813. John Bannester Gibson was president judge, John McKean and George Scott, associates. The county officers were Abner C. Rockwell, Sheriff; Charles F. Welles, Prothonotary and Clerk, etc.; William Myer, Justus Gaylord, Jr., Joseph Kinney, Commissioners; Henry Wilson. District Attorney; John Ilorton, Coroner; Harry Spalding, Treasurer. Thus was the official machinery of the county set in motion. Bradford County is situated on the east and west sides of the north branch of the Susquehanna river, and is bounded on the north by the state line and the counties of Chemung and Tioga in New York; east by the counties of Susquehanna and Wyoming in Pennsylvania; south by Sullivan, Wyoming and Lycoming; and west by the county of Tioga. According to the report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania, it contains an area of one thousand one hundred and sixty-two (1,162), square miles, or seven hundred and forty three thousand six hundred and eighty (743,680) acres, and, according to the census of 1880, it then contained fifty-eight thousand five hundred and thirty-five (58,535) inhabitants. It contains now (1885) about 68,000. It is divided into thirty-seven townships and twelve boroughs, with over one hundred post offices, and over four hundred schools, and about seven hundred teachers. The principal stream of the county is the North Branch of the Susquehanna River. It enters the county on the north line, in the township of Athens, which is located centrally upon the northern boundary of the county; it then flows in a general south-east direction and passes out of the county in the township of Tuscarora, within five miles of the extreme south-eastern portion of Bradford County. It has numerous tributaries emptying into it from the west and east. The principal streams from the west are Towanda Creek, Sugar Creek, and from the east Wyalusing, Wysox, and many other smaller streams. The surface is diversified with valleys, hills, plateaus and mountains, affording some of the finest landscapes in Pennsylvania, or the United States. Some of the points in western Bradford are over two thousand feet above sea level, and over twelve hundred feet above the valley of the north branch. These heights are reached by terraces or plateaus, which in the main are under a high state of cultivation to the very highest points To stand upon one of these elevated points, a view of the country is obtained for miles of elegant farm houses, well cultivated fields, villages and towns most pleasing to behold. |
The alluvial soils of the numerous valleys produce most excellent crops of wheat, corn, oats, tobacco and vegetables, while the rolling or uplands grow fine grass, oats, buckwheat, potatoes and very fine pasturage for sheep, cows, neat cattle and horses. Bradford county is particularly distinguished for the most excellent quantity of her dairy products. The county was originally covered with a heavy growth of timber, and for many years the business of lumbering was carried on extensively, the surplus products finding a market via the North Branch and the Susquehanna river to Harrisburg, Port Deposit or by North Branch canal. Lumbering is not now carried on so extensively, the inhabitants devoting more attention to agricultural pursuits with a sure and steady increase in wealth and population. Minerals.—The minerals of the county are coal and iron. Coal is mined quite extensively in the south western portion of the county in the Barclay mountains. Iron ore has been mined in the western portion of the county in the township of Columbia, near the Tioga county line. Quarries of building and flagging stone have been opened in various sections of the county, and large quantities of sand stone, suitable for the manufacture of window glass and bottles are found in the southern portion of the county in the coal regions. Railroads.—The Elmira and Williamsport railroad was constructed in the year 1854. It is now under the management of the Northern Central Railroad. It enters the county in the township of Canton, in the extreme southwestern portion of Bradford County, and runs north ward, keeping close to the western line of the county, passing through the villages and boroughs of Carpenter, Grover, Canton, Minnequa, Alba, Granville, Troy, Columbia X Roads, Snedekerville, Gilletts and leaving the county at the state line in the township of South Creek, about eight miles east of the western county line. The Lehigh Valley Railroad enters the county near the south-eastern portion, and follows up the valley of the North Branch on the east side of the river, until it reaches Towanda, where it crosses to the west side, running on that side for about eighteen miles, recrossing at Athens borough and going out of the county near the village of Sayre. —The North Branch Canal was constructed in the year 1848. For the past ten years it has been abandoned. —The Towanda and Barclay Railroad was constructed in the year 1856, from Towanda south westward, to the semi-bituminous coal mines, at Barclay, a distance of sixteen miles. —The State Line and Sullivan Railroad was constructed in the year 1871. It runs from Towanda to the semi-anthracite coal mines at Bernice, in Sullivan county, a distance of twenty-eight miles. It is now owned by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. Townships.—Albany, Asylum, Armenia, Athens, Barclay, Burlington, West Burlington, Canton, Columbia. Franklin, Granville, Herrick, LeRoy, Litchfield, Monroe, Orwell, Overton, Pike, Ridgebury, Rome, Smithfield, Springfield, South Creek, Sheshequin, Standing Stone, Terry, Towanda, North Towanda, Troy, Tuscarora, Ulster, Warren, Wells, Wilmot, Windham, Wyalusing, Wysox. Albany Township. Albany township was formed in 1824, taken from the- township of Asylum. The Fowler branch of the Towanda Creek runs through the township. The Sullivan and State Line Railroad from Towanda to the mines at Bernice also passes through the town, having a station at New Albany. The surface is hilly, but is being brought up to a good state of cultivation. The early settlers were Sheffield Wilcox. Horatio Ladd, Daniel Miller, Ephraim Ladd, Charles W. Ladd, John Ladd, Joseph Laugford, Jonathan Fowler, Roger Fowler, Rowland Wilcox, Freeman Wilcox, Sheffield Wilcox, Jr., Edward Warren, Ephraim Granger, Calvin Granger, Dorus Granger, John B. Hinman, Humphrey Goff, Jonathan Frisbie, William Lee, Amzi Kellogg, Archelous Luce, William Miller, John Fogerty, John Nichols, Simeon Chapman, Peter Sterriger, Hugh Cavanaugh, Henry Hibbard, David Sabin. It is bounded on the north by Monroe and Asylum townships, on the east by Terry and Wilmot, on the south by Sullivan, county, and on the west by Overton. Asylum Township. The township of Asylum was formed in 1814, taken from Wyalusing. The French refugees gave it the name in 1793, who purchased large tracts of land in Bradford, Lycoming, Luzerne and Sullivan counties. It is bounded on the north and east by the Susquehanna river, on the south by Terry and Albany, on the west by Monroe and Towanda. The early settlers were French refugees; among them were Omer Talon, a banker of Paris, M. D. Blacons, M. D. Montule, M. Beaulieu, Dr. Bazzard, of San Domingo, M. Dupetit-Thouars, in all about forty families, who erected a village named Asylum. They remained in the country until about the year 1800, when a large portion of them returned to France. In 1795, Louis Phillipe afterwards King of France, and Tallyrand visited Asylum. The early permanent settlers were Stephen Durell, Benjamin Ackla, Richard Benjamin, Amos Bennett, Dea. Ruben Wells, John Shaw, Ezra Shaw, Samuel Gilbert, Charles Homet, Anthony Vanderpool, Isaac Wheeler, Nicholas Johnson, Richard Wheeler, Ambrose Vincent, Henry Cornelius, Samuel Seeley, Samuel Chilson, Jehiel Chilson, Joel Chilson, Robert Chilson, George Chilson, Anson Chilson, William Chilson, Nathan Bailey, Harry Elsworth, John Stringer, Joseph H. Ellis, Solomon Cole, Phillip Fox, Elisha Cole, Abisha Cole, John Cole, Moses Warford, Benjamin Coolbaugh, S. Holden, Jabez Sill, Charles Townley, Richard Townley, Robert Alexander, R. Cooley, Benajah Stone. Armenia Township. Armenia township was formed in 1843, taken from Troy and Canton townships. It occupies an elevated position on the western line of the county and forms the water shed between the waters of Sugar creek and the Tioga river. The Tioga rises in the township and flows in a southwesterly course into the township of Ward in Tioga county. Although the lands of the township are situated at an average elevation of eighteen hundred feet above the sea level, still the soil is quite productive and a number of good farms are found in the township. From its elevated position some of the finest landscape views in Northern Pennsylvania are obtained. It is bounded on the north by Columbia township, on the east by Troy and Canton, on the south by Canton and on the west by Tioga county. Early settlers were: Newton Harvey, George Hawkins, Heman Morfin, Samuel xlvery [sic], Silas E. Shepard, Amasa Wood, Joel Wood, Newell Hinuey, Samuel Moore, Joseph Biddle, Alexander Case, John Lyon, Alba Burnham, Daniel Crandall, William Crandall, Andrew Monroe, Lysander C. Shepard, Wightman Pierce, William Covert, Abi/.er [sic] Fields, Reuben Mason, Robert Mason, James Mason, John J. Reynolds, Timothy Randall, John S. Becker, Jacob Y. Dumond, Gasper Webber, C. H. Webber, John .P. Smith, Lyman Hinman. Athens Township and Borough. Athens, or Tioga Point, is one of the best known localities in Northern Pennsylvania. It is situated at the junction of the Chemung and east branch of the Susquehanna river, thus forming the North Branch of the Susquehanna. It is generally believed that John Secord was the first white settler at this point before the close of the Revolutionary war in 1778. For years before the Revolutionary war, however, it was a great resort of the Indians of the six nations. It was there that the British and Indians met and planned the expedition against Wyoming in 1778. It was there that after the close of the Revolutionary war in 1790, General Timothy Pickering held a council with the Indians, and the year following at Kanewola, now Elmira, in fact no other section of Northern Pennsylvania is more fully associated with early events in the history and developments of Northern Pennsylvania and Southern New York, then Athens, or Tioga Point. It was known by the Indians, by the soldiers of the revolution, by the early pioneers, by the lumbermen and raftsmen. In May, 1786, the Susquehanna Land Company, organized in the State of Connecticut, issued a grant for the formation of the township of Athens, and in June following, a village was laid out by Col. Elias Satterlee, Col. John Franklin and Col. John Jenkins. A year previous, however, in May, 1785, the State of Pennsylvania granted the same lands to a gentleman from Lancaster, Pa., Josiah Lockhart, out of which grew a great amount of litigation, bad feeling and suffering. In 1787, Col. John. Franklin, one of the Connecticut claimants, was arrested and imprisoned, charged with high treason, but we have not space to narrate the events in detail which transpired during those exciting times, in what has been known as the " Pennamite war." Early settlers were: Benjamin Patterson, Joseph Kinney, Mathias Hollenback, Jacob Snell, John Hulburt, Elisha Mathewson, Justus Gaylord, William Miller, Eldad Kellogg, Mason Carey, Christopher Hurlburl, Daniel Moore, David Alexander, Samuel Hepburn, John Shepard, Andreos Budd. Thomas McClure, Col. John Franklin, Elisha Satterlee, Ira Stevens, Benedict Satterlee, Nathaniel Satterlee, Constant Mathewson, Samuel Ransom, Guy Maxwell, Jonathan Harris, George Wells, Nathaniel Clapp, Alpheus Harris, Julius Tozier, Daniel McDuffee, Noah Murray, Jr., Capt. Joseph Spalding, James Irwin, Stephen Hopkins, David Paine, Clement Paine, Enoch Paine, Daniel Elwell, John Saltmarsh, Moses Park, Zephon Flower, Joseph Tyler, Samuel Ovenshire, Arnold Colt, Prince Bryant, Thomas Baldwin, Ismahel Bennett, Solomon Bennett, Richard Halstead, Green Bentley, John Winters, Isaiah J. A. Jones, Thomas Hendy, John Hendy, Nathaniel Shaw, Doctor Prentice, Francis Sncchenberger [sic], Capt. Thomas Wilcox, Josiah Crocker, Josiah Lockhart, Richard Caton, Ashbel Wells, Isaac Cash, Nehemiah Northrop, Henry Decker, Jonathan Harris, Nathan Bull. Alba Borough. Alba borough was formed 1863, taken from Canton township. It is situated on the line of the Northern Central Railroad, and contains a population of about three hundred inhabitants. It is surrounded by a fine agricultural district. The early settlers were Noah Wilson, Elihue Smead, Caleb Williams, Reuben Case, Reuben Rowley, Elisha Luther, Kilburn Merely, Jeremiah Smith, Samus Rockwell, David Pratt, Levi Morse, Irad Wilson, Robert McKean, David Soper. Barclay Township. Barclay township was organized in 1867, taken from Franklin. It is bounded on the north by Franklin, on the east by Monroe and Overton, on the south by Overton, on the west by Leroy. It is situated in the highlands in the southwestern portion of the county, about two thousand feet above sea level. The business of mining semi-bituminous coal has been carried on quite extensively since 18S6, when a railroad from Towanda, a distance of about sixteen miles was constructed. It was named Barclay in honor of Charles Barclay, of London, England, the owner of lands in the township. The history of Barclay would be the history of the mining companies which, have been engaged in mining coal. Several million tons of coal have been mined and shipped to market since the commencement of mining operations. Barclay is a mining village containing about eight hundred inhabitants, who are chiefly engaged in mining, or in labor connected therewith. Carbon Run a mining village about two miles west of Barclay, which formerly contained about three hundred inhabitants, is now about entirely deserted, the coal being worked out as is alleged. The coal is let down from the Barclay mountain, by means of an incline to the foot of the plane, from whence it is taken by cars and locomotives to Towanda. Burlington Township. The township of Burlington was one of the original townships in Bradford county, having been formed prior to the organizaton of the county, in 1786. It is bounded on the north by Smithfield and Ulster, on the east by North Towanda and Towanda, on the south by Franklin, on the west by West Burlington. The township is well watered by Sugar Creek and its tributaries. Its surface is rolling, and the soil well adapted to grazing and agricultural products generally. There are four post offices in the township Highland, Luther's Mills, Burlington, Mountain Lake. The great Indian path from the North Branch of the Susquehanna to the west branch of the Susquehanna, passed through the township. The early settlers were Isaac Dewitt, Abram Dewitt, James McKean, William Dobbins, James Ward, Alexander Campbell, Derrick Miller, Ebenezer Dunbar, Ephraim Swain, Ira Nicholds, Jared Soper, Ezra Brafit, Ephraim Jacque, Ezra Goddard, Luther Goddard, Stephen Ballard, Joseph Mallard, John Ballard, Nathaniel Ballard, John Clark, Moses Calkins, Jeremiah Taylor, Benjamin Saxton, Jessie Marvin, Jehiel Ferris, John Gammage, George Head, James Campbell, David Campbell, Eliphalet Luther, Col. Lockwood, Nehemiah AHen, John McNean, Joel Calkins, David Miller, William Pratt, Otho a colored man, Samuel McKean, Samuel Wallace, Timothy Hosmer, Major William Judd, John Jenkms John Clark, Champion Scoville, Ebenezer Kendall, Reuben Wilbur, Jehiel Ferris, Jesse Beach, Timothy Beach, Doct. Ira Lee, Oliver Nelson, Lawson Hemengway. Canton Township and Borough. Canton township is situated in the extreme southwest portion of Bradford county. The sources of Towanda creek, which flows eastward into the North Branch of the Susquehanna, and the sources of the Lycoming creek or river which flows southward into the West Branch of the Susquehanna, are found in this township. The Northern Central Railroad passes through the township from south to north, having several stations in the township. Canton and Alba are boroughs which have been formed from its territory. East Canton, Grover and Minnequa, are villages and post towns. The soil is well adapted to grazing, orchard products, and growing of corn, oats, buckwheat and wheat. Some of the finest farms and farm dwellings and capacious barns in the county are found in Canton. Canton borough stands third in the county as a shipping point for agricultural and other products, and is only excelled by Troy and Towanda. Canton borough is rapidly increasing in wealth and population. The early settlers were: Rufus Gere, Orr Scoville, Ezra Spalding, Horace Spalding, Jonas Gere, Jonathan Prosser, Alvin Cook, Gershon Gillett, Wilkes Gillett, Zephaniah Rogers, Zephaniah Rogers, Jr., John Newell, Dr. Moses Emerson, Ichabob Sellard, Labon Landon, Benjamin Landon, Major Withey, Ebenczer Bixby, Samuel Griffin, Nathan Roberts, Samuel Griffin, Jr., Joel Bullock, Abram Taber, Jacob Granteer, Isaiah Grover, Benjamin Babcock, Nathaniel Babcock, Samuel Rockwell, David Pratt, Stephen Sellard, Elisha Wilcox, Stephen Strickland, Amos Strickland. Columbia Township. Columbia township was organized in 1813, taken from Smithfield. It Is situated on the western line of the county of Bradford, adjoining the townships of Sullivan and Rutland in Tioga county. The north and south branches of Sugar Creek run through the township, from west to east. It is bounded on the north by the townships of Wells and South Creek, on the east by Springfield, on the south by Troy and Armenia, and on the west by Tioga county. The Northern Central Railroad touches its eastern borders, and Snedekers, and Columbia Cross Roads are stations in the township on that r<jad [sic]. Austinville and Sylvania are villages, the latter an incorporated boro. The soil is well adapted to grazing, and the growing of all kinds of cereals. It is an excellent farming township. The early settlers were John Ballard, Nathaniel Ballard, Nathaniel Morgan, David Watkins, Oliver Canfield, Joseph Batterson, Jeremiah Chapman, Aaron Bennett, Samuel Lnmphere, Phineas C. Morgan, Solomon Soper William Rose, James Morgan, Elnathan Goodrich, Charles Keyes, David Palmer, Ebenezer Baldwin, Abraham Weast, Calvin Tinkham, Carter Havens, John Bixby, Nathaniel Barrett, Samuel Baldwin, Asa Howe, Comfort Peters, Sheldon Gibbs, Phineas Jones, Rev. Joseph Beeraan, David R. Hazewell, John P. Gurnet, William Furman, Reuben Nash, Jacob Miller, John Lilly, Michael Wolfe, Oliver Besley, George Moore, Darius Sherman, John McCelland, Asa Bullock, Joseph Gladding, Vial A. Bullock, Thomas Munroe, Henry Harris, Levi Cornell, Peleg Peckham, Kingley Peckham, John Calkins, Moses Calkins, A. M. Wright, Richard Doty, David Watson. Samuel lugalls, Samuel Hurlburt, Murray Ballard, Ezra Wright. Franklin Township. Franklin township was organized in 1819, taken from Canton, Troy and Burlington. Both branches of the Towanda creek unite within the township. The lands along the valley are very productive. The high or rolling lands are being brought up to a good state of cultivation. The town of Franklin is bounded on the north by West Burlington and Burlington, on the east by Monroe, on the south by Barclay, and on the west by Granville and Leroy. Franklin and West Franklin are small villages and post towns. The early settlers were David Allen, Stephen Allen, Daniel Allen. Benjamin Stone, Daniel Wilcox, Rev. Thomas Smiley, John Knapp, William Damer, Samuel Wilcox, Absalom Carr, Ezrkiel Carr, Widow Jane Lattimer, William Blanchard, Aaron Cook, Daniel Stone, Truman Holcomb, Gilbert Gay, William B. French, Allen Rockwell, Nathan Wilcox, Major Oliver "W. Dodge, Burr Ridgway, Horace Spalding, William B. Spalding, Noah Spalding, Stephen Lattimer, Peter Lattimer. Granville Township. Granville township was organized in 1831, taken from Franklin, Canton, Burlington and Troy. Granville Corners, Granville Center and Granville Summit are villages in the township. The Northern Central Railroad touches its western border, and Granville Summit is a station on that road. The north branch of the Towanda creek passes through the township from west to east. The lands are rolling and well adapted" to grazing and the dairy. It is bounded on the north by Troy and West Burlington, on the east by West Burlington and Franklin, on the south by Leroy, and on the west by Troy and Canton. Its early settlers were: Jeremiah Taylor, Lewis Moffett, Scoville Bailey, David Bailey, Ezra Bailey, Thomas Bailey, Uriah Baxter, Benjamin Saxton, Oliver Nelson, Phillip Packer, Abraham Parkhurst, Charles Butterfieid, John Pulman, Alvord Churchill, John Pratt, Josiah Vrooman, David Ross, Abijah Ayres, Z. Porter, Avery Clark, Nathaniel Clark, Noah Packard, Giles Avery, Simon Chesley, Peter Shoemaker. Daniel Ferguson, Oliver Bailey, Hugh Halcomb. Herrick Township. Herrick township was formed in 1837, taken from Wyalusing. It is situated in the south-eastern portion of Bradford County, in the highlands east of the Susquehanna river. It is bounded on the north by the town of Orwell; on the east by Pike; on the south by Wyalusing; and west by Standing Stone and Wysox. It was named in honor of Judge Edward Herrick, of Athens, a distinguished lawyer and jurist, who was born October 26, 1787, and studied law in Poughkeepsie, in 1804, with Genera! John Brush. Went to Ohio, was a member of the Ohio Legislature, and during the war of 1812 was a Colonel in command of an Ohio regiment. Came to Bradford County and was admitted to the bar in 1813 In 1818, he was appointed President Judge, by Governor Findlay, of Bradford, Susquehanna, Tioga, Potter and McKean Counties, and remained upon the bench for a period of twenty-one years. He was a life long democrat, and died at Athens, Bradford County, March 7, 1873, aged 86 years. The first settlers were Zophar Platt, Nathaniel Plait, Jarvis Platt, F. Reed, Asa Matson, Henry Townshend, John Haywood, Ferris Bennett, Elihu Buttles, Isaac Park. Hiram Camp, Robert DePue, James Hinds, Calvin Stone, Reuben Atwood, Charles Squires, Charles Stevens, Micajah Slocum, Ezekiel Mintz, Daniel Durland, Adam Overpeck, Nathan B. Whitman, Henry Wells, James Clark, William Nesbitt, Nathaniel Nesbitt, Alexander Dougherty, James Lee, James Wood, William Hillis, Richard Hillis. Leroy Township. Leroy township was formed in 1835, taken from Canton. It is situated in the south-western portion of the county, near the coal mining region of Barclay. It. is bounded on the north by Granville; on the east by Franklin, Barclay and Overton; on the south by Sullivan county; on the west b..[sic: text missing from manuscript]Canton. The streams of the township are Towanda creek, and the head waters of the Schrader. Leroy is quite a thriving village, situated on Towanda Creek. The northern portion of the township is quite productive, while the southern is hilly and mountainous, reaching into I he coul [sic: missing text] measures. The early settlers were Hugh Holcomb, Sterling Holcomb, Eli Holcomb, Seeley Crofut, Dennison Kingsbury, Elihu Knight, George Brown, Joel Bodwell, Capt. Elijah Rice, Joseph Wallace, Welcome Rice, Peter Gordon, Isaac Chaapel, David Andrews, Truman Holcomb, Isaac Wooster, Luther Hinman, Miles Oakley, George Head, Aaron Cook, Timothy Culver, Alphcus Holcomb, David Wooster, Nicholas Gordon, Henry Segar, David Jayne, Loren Kingsbury, Jesse Morse, Orison Royce, Henry Merour, John Knapp, Jesse Robart, Henry Knowles, Jeremy Bailey, Samuel McCraney, Ira Crofut. Litchfield Township. Litchfield township was formed in 1821, taken from the eastern portion of Athens. It is bounded on the north by Tioga county, New York, on the east by the township of Windham, on the south by Rome and Sheshequin, and on the west by Athens. The Susquehanna touches its north-western boundary, and Satterlee, Park Billiard and Wappusening creeks water the township. It is principally situated in the high lands, except on the river are some fine alluvial flats. The high and rolling lands arc well adapted to grazing, and the dairy, and is being brought up to a slate of cultivation. Its early settlers were Thomas Park, Elonzer Merrill, Hiram Merrill, Solomon Merrill, Eleazer Merrill, Elisha Merrill, Silas Wolcott, Elijah Wolcptt, Thomas Munn, Josiah White. Daniel Bush, Henry Kinney, Samuel Kinney, Ruloff Campbell, Samuel Campbell, Alsop Baldwin, Samuel Ball, Christoper Schoonovcr, Doan Schoonover, David McKinncy, Henry McKinney, Henry Hewlett, John Hewlett, Ira Hewlett, Lewis Hewlett, James Brown, William Loomis, Alanson Loomis, John Moore, Joseph Greek, William Cotton, Peter Turner, Richard Struble, Moses Struble, Zenas Cleveland, Nathaniel Hotchkiss, Joseph Nichols, Russell Marsh, Paul Apgar, Abel Beach, Richard Tappan, John Marks, Lewis Baldwin, Henry Shoemaker, Samuel P. Wolcott, Orson Carner, John G. Nichols, Levi Johnson, Henry Turner, John Van Gorder, David Van Gorder, Jacob Rheinold, Poter Lawser, Conrad Heinman, William Beidleman, Joseph Beidleman, Amos Franklin, William Griffin, Daniel Park, Samuel Park, James Park, Amos Park, Joseph Park, Elijah Park, Benjamin Park, William Drown, Absalom Adams, Joseph Kinney, David Kinney, Lewis Tappan. Monroe Township and Borough. The township of Monroe was formed in 1821, taken from Burlington and Towanda. Mouroetou was incorporated as a borough in 1855. The township of Monroe is bounded on the north by Towanda •" on the east by Asylum; on the south by Albany; on the west by Overton, Barclay and Franklin. It is well watered by the Towanda creek and its branches, the Fowler and Schrader, and contains a very fertile and productive soil. Some portions of it are hilly and uneven, but it has been brought under a fair state of cultivation. Its early settlers were Gordon Fowler, Reed Brockaway, Jonathan Fowler, Roger Fowler, Noadiah Cranmer, John Cranmer, Samuel Cranmer, John Schraeder, John Neeley, Harmon Schraeder, Reese Stevens, William Dougherty, Jacob Bowman, David Gilbert, Timothy Alden, Jared Woodruff, Eliphalet Mason, Gordon F. Mason, Chester Mason, Ebenezer Mason, Andrew Irving, Geo. Irving, Welch Irving, Nelson Gilbert, James Lewis, Amos V. Mathews, Henry Salisbury, Elisha Cole, Anthony Vanderpoel, Russel Fowler. Overton Township. Overton township was formed in 18.53, taken from Albany, Franklin and Monroe townships. It was named in honor of Edward Overtoil, of Towanda, who was born in Lancashire, England, December 30, 1795, and came to America in 1815. He had previously studied law in England, and was admitted at the Wilkes Barre, Luzerne county bar, in 1817. Commenced the practice of law at Athens, and removed to Towanda about the year 1820. He became largely interested in real estate and coal lands, and through his exertions the Barclay Coal mines were developed, and the Towanda and Barclay railroad was constructed. He was the first president of the Barclay Coal Company. Overton is bounded on the north by Barclay, on the east by Monroe and Albnny, on the south by Sullivan county, on the west by Leroy. It is a mountainous and hilly township, and its inhabitants are engaged in farming and lumbering. The settlers are chiefly of Irish and German nativity, and are distinguished for their industry and perseverance. They are fast reclaiming the rugged wilds, and bringing them under cultivation. The obstructions which nature has thrown in the way, are being removed by these energetic settlers. The early settlers were Daniel Hevcrly, John Herverly, Christain Heverly, Daniel Heverly, Jr., Henry Heverly, Abner Kissell, Leonard Streevy, Henry Shenmin, Jacob Hottonstein. Orwell Township. In 1801, Mount Zion township was organized; the Commissioners to fix the boundaries were Bzekiel Hy4e, Josiah Grant, William Spalding. In 1802, the name was changed to Orwell. It is bounded on the north by the townships of Windham and Warren; on the east by Warren and Pike; on the south by Herrick; on the west by Rome. Wysox creek, Jerome and Johnson's creeks are its principal streams. It is a very fertile and productive township. There are four post offices in the town, and several small villages and hamlets. The early settlers were Daniel Russe'l. Oapt. Josinh Grant, Francis Mesusan, Ebenezer Chubbuck, Nathaniel Chubbuck, Ashel Johnson, Zenas Cook, Artemus Johnson, Trumnn Johnson, Edmund Johnson, Cypriao Allen, Samuel Wells, Capt. Samuel Woodruff, Adrian Manville, Levi Frisbie, Richard Marks, William Johnson, Asa Upson, Theron Darling, Abel Darling, John Pierce. 4.1pheus Choate, Joel Barnes, William Raney, Libbeus Roberts, Capt. John Grant, Joel Cook, William Keeler, Mark Mesusan, George Pendleton, William Pendleton, Hamilton Champlain, Noah Shaffee, John Wheaton, Samuel Mathews, Amos Cotmrn, Ehenezcr Coburn, Miles Pierce, Milton Humphrey, Alvin Humphrey, Parley Colmrn, James Bowen, Jason Potter, Uri Cook, Chauncey Frisbie, James Newell, Randall Mnthews, Henry W. Hind, Ithiel Allis, William Sexton, Jason Chaffee, Jacob Wickizer, Samuel Wheaton. Pike Township and the Borough Of LeRaysville. The township of Pike was organized in 1813, taken from Orwell and Rush. LeRaysville was incorporated as a borough in 1863, formed from Pike township. The township of Pike is bounded on the north by Warren, on the east by Susquehanna county, on the south by Tuscarora, on the west by Herrick and Orwell. The Wyalusing creek and its tributaries are the principal streams in the township. The soil is well adapted to grazing and dairy. There are five post offices in the township. LeRaysville, a borough is the chief village in the township. Early settlers were: Jacob Fcncler, Damon Bostwick. Benazah Bostwick James Rockwell, Seth P. Rockwell, Nathan Abbott, Darius Coleman, Elijah Coleman, Benjamin Abbott. Eleazer Russell, Ephraim Fairchild, William Frink, David Olmslead, Elisha Keeler, John Bradshaw, Capt. Isaac Bronson. Aden Stevens, Nathan Stevens, Samuel Stevens, William Turrell, Samuel Luckey, Abraham Taylor, Salmon Bosworth, Josiah Bosworth, Reed Bosworth, Alba Bosworth, Joseph Bosworth, Daniel Metcalfe, Ezekiel Mowrey, George Mowrey, John Ford. Bela Ford, James Brink, Elisha Coggswell. Joseph Pierce" Thomas Brink, Daniel Bennett, Bennjah Bennett, James Brink, William Brink, Jesse Ross. Daniel Ross, Joseph Ross, William Johnson, Adolphus Olmstead, William Buck, Gould Seymour, Isaac Seymour, Andrew Canfield, Isaac Hancock, Edmund Stone, Dr. Baker, Joseph Preston, Elijah Tillotson, James Hines, Samuel Seeley, David Doud, Peter Stephens, Judah Benjamin, Timothy Gaylord. Reuben Wells, Amasa Wells, Jesse Edsall. Reuben Atwood, Joseph Utter, Benjamin Seeley, Mathias Scrivens, Roswell Slater, Ezra Winship, Amos Northrop, Henry Ellsworth, James Ellsworth, Joseph Ellsworth, Jonathan Ellsworth, Joseph Jenkins, Edward Jones, Sr., David Thomas, Sr., Reese Griffith, David Thomas, Jr., David Morris, David Williamson, Phillip Williams, John Williams, Rev. Daniel Jones, Samuel Davis, John Edwards, Jenkins Jones, William Evans, Thomas Jones, Evan Howell, William Howell, John Howell, Thomas Howell, Roger Howell, David Davis, Henry Walters, James Walters, Thomas Walters, Richard Williams, John Morris, Daniel P. Jones, John Davis, John Thomas, Samuel Thomas, Israel Jenkins, John Jones, David J. Thomas, Jenkins Jones, 2nd, David Davis, Thomas J. Thomas, Roger Griffiths, Thomas W. Williams, Dr. William Roberts, Isaac Seymour, Samuel Edsall. Rome Township and Borough. Rome township was formed in 1831, taken from Orwell and Sheshequin. Its surface consists of valleys and table lands, under a high state of cultivation. The Wysox and its tributaries are the principal streams of the township, the name given it, Rome, was because it was on the same parallel as Rome, the famous and renowned city of Italy, "who sat upon her seven hills, and from her throne of beauty ruled the world." It is bounded on the north by Litchfield and Windham, on the east by Orwell, on the south by Wysox, and on the west by Sheshequin. Its early settlers were Nathaniel P. Moody, Enos Moody, Moses Moody, Levi Thayer, Godfrey Vought, Henry Lent, Frederic Eiklor, John W. Parks, Elijah Towner, Enoch Towner, Ezra Towner, Leonard Westbrook, George Murphy, John Hicks, James Elliott, Reuben Bump, Russell Gibbs, Achaitus Vought, Godfrey Vought, Rev. E. C. Taylor, Martin V. B. Moore, Stephen Cranmer. Ridgeberry Township. Ridgeberry township was formed in 1818, taken from the townships of Athens and Wells. It is situated on the northern line of Bradford county, in the northwest portion of the same, adjoining Chenmung county, New York. It is bounded on the north by Chemung county, New York, on the east by Athens, on the south by Springfield and Smithfield, and on the west by South Creek. The streams of the township are Benltey creek and its tributaries. The surface of the township is uneven and hilly, but it is under a high state of cultivation. The farmers are prosperous and forehanded, with elegant dwellings, and large and capacious bains. Its early settlers were Isaac Fuller, Joel Fuller, Samuel Bennett, Adam Ridenbar, Vine Baldwin, George Baldwin, Grisworth Owens, Roswell Goff, Captain Calvin West, John Cummings, Joel Campbell, Benjamin Campbell, Jonathan Kent, James Covell, Silas Campbell, Major Alpheus Gillett, Aaron Marcellus, Elijah Buck, Slurgess Squires, Peter Squires, Joseph Batterson, Elnathan Pierce, John L. Webb, Job Stiles, Ashel Burnham, Abram Westfall, John Sirton, Jonathan Davison, Green Bentley, Samuel Green, Peter Evens, Allen Miner, Cornelius O'Driscoll, Richard O'Connor, James While, John Downs, George O'Leary, Daniel Desmond, John Desmond, Timothy Desmond, Richard Hurley, John Mahoney, Patrick Butler, Daniel Chambers, George Chambers, Thomas Chambers, Daniel Kane, James Crowley, Abial Fuller, David Buck, Kinney Burnham, Lemuel Fuller. Smithfield Township. Smithfield township was one of the original townships in the county. It is situated west of the Susquehanna river, and west of the township of Ulster, upon rolling lands, which have been brought to a high state of cultivation. Beautiful farms and farm buildings are seen in every portion of the town, "with herds of cattle grazing in sweet and luxuriant pastures. It is bounded on the north by Athens and Ridgeberry; on the east by Ulster; on the south by .Burlington and West Burlington; on the west by Springfield. The streams of the township are Tom Jack, Brown and Buck creeks. The early settlers were Isaac Grover, Reuben Mitchell, Abiel Foster, William Baldwin, Ezra Waterman, Zacariah Wheeler, Jnmes Satterlee, William Satterlee, Samuel Satterlee, Oliver Hayes, Michael Bird, Timothy Stratton, Samuel Dartt Jabez Gerould, Phineas Pierce, Joshua Ames, John Pierce, Constant Williams, Solomon Kellogg, Solomon Morse, Nehemiah Tracy, John Bassett, Noah Ford, Elias Needham, Alvin Stocking, S, Stocking, Alpheus Holcomb, Samuel Wood, Ashel Scott, John Scott, Major Jared Phelps, Isaac Ames, Sloan Kingsley, John Phelps, David Titus, Abner O. Ormabee, Zephania Ames, Isaiah Kingsley, Austin Kellogg, Chancey Kellogg, Luman Kellogg, David Forest, Stephen Wilcox, Rufus Halsey, Abner Thomas, Asa Hackett, Asa Farnsworth, William Farnsworth, Stephen Califf, Seth Gates, Daniel Forest, Tarsus Rose, Benjamin Hale, Joseph Ames, David Durfee, Cyiil Fairman, Abraham Jones, Asa Allen, Joel Allen, Cromwell Child, Edward A. Child, Ezra Allen, Daniel Allen, George Tompkinson, Conrad Hartman, Nehemiah Deach. Springfield Township. The town of Springfield was formed in 1813, taken from Smithfield. The town was named by the first settlers in honor of Springfield, Massachusetts. The town is bounded on the north by South Creek and Ridgeberry, on the east by Smithfield, on the south by West Burlington and Troy, and on the west by Columbia. Leona, Springfield and Mill City are villages in the township. The soil is well adapted to grazing and the dairy. The chief pursuit of the inhabitants is farming, and the beautiful fields and well managed farms denote the prosperity of its citizens. The early settlers were: Capt. John Harkness, Ezekiel Leonard, John Leonard, William Eaton, Abel Eaton, William Harkness, Ichabod Pmith, Josephus Wing, James Mattocks, Luke Pitts, Joshua Speer, Stephen Bliss, Oliver Gates, Henry Stover, Amaziah Thayer, Joseph Grover, Gurdon Grover, James Harkness, Joseph Grace, Nehemiah Wilson, Abiel Fuller, Isaac Cooley, Gaines Adams, Samuel Kingsbury, Thomas Pemberton, Samuel Campbell, William Brace, John Parkhurst, David Brown, Charles Phillips, Lemuel White, William Evans, Elam Bennett, Quartius Ely, Amos Sargent, John Sargent, Elisha Fanning, Alexander Kennedy, Charles Burgess, Joseph Brooks, Wakeman Brooks, William Faulkner, Austin Leonard, Charles Satterlee, Hosca Kennedy, John Salsbury, Seth Salsbury. South Creek Township. Its early settlers were Philo Fassett, Asa Gillett, John Morrison, Gideon Andrus, Isaac Baker, Samuel Pettengill, Ezekiel Baker, Hosea Baker. Jesse Moore, George Durnham, N. Y. Glines, Harvey Jones, Elisha Moore, Benjamin Seeley, Solomon Bovier, Hiram Potter, Aaron Stiles, Stephen Stiles, Bben Dunning, Jackeus Thompson. South Creek township was formed in 1835, taken from Wells and Ridgeberry. The Northern Central Railway runs through the township from south to north, having two stations, State Line and Gilletts. The township is uneven and hilly, but quite well adapted to grazing. The principal stream in the township is South Creek, which runs in a northernly direction, and discharges its waters into the Chemung river. The township is bounded on the north by Chemung county and the state line, on the east by Ridgeberry, on the south by Springfield and Columbia, on the west by Wells. Standing Stone. Standing Stone township was formed in 1841, taken from Herrick and "Wysox. It is bounded on the north by Herrick, on the east by Herrick, on the south by Wyalusing and the Susquehanna river, on the west by Susquehanna 'river and Wysox. It is one of the oldest settled townships in the county of Bradford, and its name Standing Stone given it by reason of a certain large stone standing in the west bank of the Susquehanna river, has distinguished it from the earliest history of the Susquehanna valley. Settlements were commenced in the present limits of the township, previous to the revolutionary war; under Connecticut titles. The Lehigh Valley railroad runs through the township from north to south, following the valley of the Susquehanna, and have two stations, Rummerfield and Standing Stone. Along the valley of the Susquehanna the soil is very productive, being a rich alluvial deposit. The soil upon the uplands to the eastward is being cultivated, and is becoming very well adapted to grazing and the dairy. The town is watered by the Susquehanna river, Rummerfield and Fitch's Creeks. The early-settlers were Lemuel Fitch, Simon Spalding, Henry Birney, Anthony Rummerfield, Richard Fitzgerald, Richard Loomis, Walter Walters John Bigelow, Jr. Nathaniel Walters, Stephen Wilcox, Elisha Satterlee, David McCormick, Peter Loop, Walter Westover, Abram Westbrook, William Jackson, Amos Bennett, Silas Beardsley, Theophilus Moyer, Henry Birney, John Hutchinson, Samuel Gordon, Jonathan Stevens, William Houck, Anthony La Fever, Peter Miller, Jacob Primer, (colored,) Cherick Westbrook, Henry Van Curen, David Hawley, David Eicklor, Cornelius Ennis, Levi Ennis, Hiram Gorden. Sheshequin Township. Sheshequin township was formed in 1820, taken from Ulster. It is situated on the east side of the Susquehanna, and comprises some of the finest alluvial lands m Pennsylvania. It has become historic grounds on account of its Indian and revolutionary history. The old Indian town of Sheshequin was situated on the west side of the river in the present town of Ulster, but the broad and fertile flats upon the east side now in Sheshequin, early became famous for their productiveness. Sheshequin is bounded on the north by Athens and Litchfield, on the east by Rome, on the south by Wysox and the Susquehanna river, and on the west by the Susquehanna river. Its early settlers were Gen. Simon Spalding, Joseph Kinney, Benjamin Cole, Col Fordham, Col. Thomas Baldwin, Stephen Fuller, Obediah Gore, Samuel Gore, Arnold Franklin, Col Joseph Kingsbury, Moses Pard, Capt. Jeremiah Shaw, Peter Snyder, Ebenezer Shaw, Daniel Brink, Abel Newell, George Murphy, Stephen Morgan, Daniel Curtis, Henry Hine, Ichabod Blackman, Franklin Blackman, William Ferguson, Eb'enezer Franklin, Joseph Franklin, Hugh Rippeth Elijah Horton, William Horton, Joshua Horton, Elijah Horton, Jr., Stephen Horton, Gilbert Horton, Joseph Turtle, Josiah Newell, Abel Newell, William Webber, John Newell, Joseph Salisbury, Josiah Tuttle, Jonathan Stark, Jesse Smith, Capt. Jabez Fish, Zebulon Butler, Captain Forbes, Harry Spaulding, Capt. Stephen Fuller, Benjamin Clark, Jabez Sill, Elijah Towner, Enoch Towner, John Towner, Daniel Moore, William Kennedy, Hugh Kennedy, Peter Bernard, James Bidlack, Timothy Bartlett, Samuel Bartlett, Henry Boyce, Jacob Brokaw, Ludowick Carner, Silas Carner, Henry Cleveland, John Deitrick, Christain Brokaw, Zadoc Gillett, Freeman Gillett, William Fresher, Edward Griffin, Samuel Hoyt, Samuel Marshall, Thomas Marshall, Josiah B. Marshall, Mathew Bogers, David E. Weed, Earl Masten, Lockwood Curley, David Smith, Samuel K. Gore, William W. Spalding, John C. Van Size. George Killmer, Jeremiah Killmer, James Shores, Peter Snyder, Christain Forbes. Troy Township and Borough. Troy township was formed in the year 1815, taken from Burlington. Troy [first named Augusta] borough was formed from Troy township, by an act of the Legislature of May 14, 1845. The township of Troy is bounded on the north by Columbia and Springfield, on the east by West Burlington, on the south by Granville and Canton, on the west by Armenia. The township and boro of Troy are situated on the head waters of Sugar Creek, on the line of the Northern Central railroad, about twenty-five miles south of Elmira, N.Y. The township is distinguished for its fine farms and the excellent quality of its dairy productions. Troy borough is one of the neatest and cleanest in northern Pennsylvania, and distinguished for its elegant private residences, business places, its public schools and churches, its fire department, its public press, its manufactories, and the enterprise and wealth of its citizens. It is a half shire and the courts of Bradford county are held semi-annually at Troy. It is also distinguished for being one of the great centers, and shipping points for butter and cheese, of western Bradford. Its early settlers were Elihu Smead, Aaron Case, Moses Case, Joseph Wills, Thomas Backer, Samuel Rockwell, Nathaniel Allen, Horace Spalding, Reuben Case, John Barber. Caleb Williams, Samuel Case, Doctor Rowley, Uel Porter, John Porter, Reuben Wilbur, Joseph Barber, Thomas Barber, Doctor Almeron Herrick, Major Ezra Long, Silas Rockwell, Luther Rockwell. Stephen Palmer, John Ward, Samuel Conant, Adriel Hebard, Timothy Nichols, Elder Elisha Rich, Churchill Barnes, Laban Landon, John Dobbins, Elihu Newberry, Zoroster Porter, Benjamin Oviatt, Isaac N. Pomeroy, Anson Williams, Vine Baldwin, Elihue Case, Abraham Case, James Lucas, Daniel Gregory, John McKean, Allen Taylor, Alfred Parsons, O. P. Ballard, Dummer Lilley, John Cummings, Nelson Adams, George Kress, Doct Silas E. Sheppard, Joseph Morse, Calvin Dodge, James Hickok, Reuben Smead, Laban Bowen, Jonathan Peck, William Dobbins, E. C. Oliver, Daniel F. Pomeroy, EH Parsons, Seth Paine, Rufus Rockwell, Thomas Paine, Moses Calkins, G. F. Reddington. Towanda, North Towanda Townships and Towanda Boroughs. Towanda was one of the original townships. Towanda village was laid out in the year 1812. North Towanda township was organized in the year 1857. Towanda borough was incorporated in the year 1828, and additions have .since been made to it. It is the county seat of Bradford county, and one of the most flourishing and populous boroughs in Northern Pennsylvania. The Lehigh Valley railroad, the Towanda and Barclay railroad and the Sullivan and State Line railroads have stations in the borough. There are several large manufacturing establishments, giving employment to a large number of men. The borough is finely located upon the west bank of the Susquehanna', and contains a population of about four thousand inhabitants. Towanda is connected with Wysox township and village, which lie upon the east side of the river, by a free bridge. It is thus situated in the center of a rich and productive agricultural country with good railroad facilities. It is destined to become a large and populous borough or city. The history of Towanda borough, Towanda township and North Towanda township is so inseparably connected that they will be treated under one head. Early settlers were: Ezra Rutty, Rudolph Fox, Elisha Forsythe, Jacob Bowman, John Singer, Casper Singer, Jacob Grantier, Silas Scoville, Orr Scoville, John Smith, Joshua Wyeth, Daniel Gilbert, Reuben Hale, Henry Head, Samuel Strickland, William Goff, William Wyeth, Ezra Heacock, Usual Carter, George Alger, Job Irish, Henry Salsbury, John Brown, Horatio Ladd, Ephraim Ladd, William Myers, William Means, Adam Conley, Ebenezer B. Gregory, Harry Spalding, Gurdon Hewett, Nathaniel Betts, Burr Ridge way, Lemuel Streator, Edward Benjamin, Andrew Irvine, Andrew Trout, David S. Barstow, Dr. John N. Weston, Hon. George Scott, Dr. Charles Whitehead, Henry Mercur, Jesse Woodruff, Ethan Baldwin, Hiram Mix, Dr. Caleb W. Miles, Miller Fox, Hon. Joseph C. Powell, Capt. Nicholas R. Hentz, David F. Barstow, William H. Foster, Jonas Smith, Nathan Smith, Daniel Guthrie, Isaac Foster, Rufus Foster, Abiel Foster, Osias Bingham, Fralik Watts, Nehemiah Mills, Nathan Coon, Martin Stratton, Samuel F. Means, Edward Overton. Terry Township. Terry township was formed in 1859. It is bounded on the north by Asylum township, on the east by the Susquehanna river and Wilmot township, on the south by Wilmot, and on the west by Albany and Asylum. It is a peculiarly shaped township, its principal lines running in a northeast and southwestern direction, forming a similar figure to a key stone placed between the township of Wilmot and Asylum. Terrytown is situated in the northeastern portion of the township, on the banks of the Susquehanna river and New Era, situated in the south western portion of the township are villages and post towns of the township. Along the Susquehanna river settlements were early made, and the land well cultivated, while back from the river lumbering was carried on extensively for years. The timber being removed the lands are now being cleared and cultivated with a fair degree of success. The early settlers were Benjamin Budd, Johnathan Terry, Stephen Durell, Joshua Terry, Nathaniel Terry, Nathan Terry, Israel Parshall, John Horton, Lebbeus Gardner, Parshall Terry, Uriah Terry, William Terry, Oliver Dodge, Edmund Dodge, George F. Horton, Edmond Horton, J. L. Jones, Charles Homet, Isaac Schoonhover. Tuscarora Township. Tuscarora township was formed in 1830, taken from Wyalusing. It is situated in the south eastern portion of Bradford county. Its surface is hilly and uneven, but well adapted to grazing and the dairy. It is bounded on the north by Pike, on the east by Susquehanna county, on the south by Wyoming county, on the west by the Susquehanna river and the township of Wyalusing. There are several small lakes in the township, in the highlands, and the streams are Tuscarora, Little Tuscarora and Stephens' creeks. The Susquehanna river touches its western border. The early settlers were Joseph Wharton, Elihue Hall, Elihue Hall Jr., Jacob Gray, D. 1). Gray, Thomas Morley, Stephen Beeman, Edward Coggswell, Elisha Coggswell, James Black, Harry Ackley, Jacob Huff, Reuben Shumway, Stephen Bowen, Williank Clinkn Daniel Johnson, Jeremiah Lewis, Chester Wells, Oliver Sisson, Julius Coggswell, Joseph C. Town, John Clink, Benjamin Hurlburt, Amos Hurlburt, John Maxfield, Dr. Ebenezer Beeman, Alpheus Crawford, Daniel L. Crawford, David Lacey, Emanuel Silvara, Burrows Dowdney, Abiel Keeney, David Dare, Jacob Huff, Daniel Merritt, Martin Lyon, Moses Rowley, Stephen Richards, Israel Stark. Ulster Township. Ulster was one of flie [sic] original townships and was formed previous to the organization of Bradford county. It is bounded on the north, by Athens, on the east, by the Susquehanna river, on the south, by North Towanda and Burlington, on the west by Smithfield and Burlington. It is situated on the west bank of the Susquehanna, embracing some very fertile and productive lands upon the river flats, and fine grazing and dairy farms upon the uplands. Ulster, a village in the township, on the line Lehigh Valley railroad, is located upon the site of an ancient Indian village. Milan is a village also upon the line of the railroad and a station. The early settlers were Captain Benjamin Clark, Nathaniel Hovev, Solomon Tracy, Adriel Simons, Eli Holcomb, Capt. Isaac Cash, David Cash, Abram Parmeter, Chester Bingham, Osias Bingham, W. Rice, Elijah Granger, Thomas Overton, Abraham Brokaw, Leonard Westbrook, Joseph C. Powell, Joseph Smith, Lockwood Smith, Ezekiel Curry, Ezekiel Curry Jr., Abraham Minier, William Lockery, Joseph Lockery, Jeduthan Simons, Peter McAuley, George A. VanDyke, Simons C. Hovey. Warren Township. Warren township was formed in 1813, taken from Orwell and Rush. It is situated in the northeastern portion of Bradford county, and is bounded on the north by the state of New York, on the east by Susquehanna county, on the south by the township of Pike, on the west by Orwell and Windham. The surface is uneven and broken, but the lands are quite well adapted to grazing and the dairy. The Wappasenning creek and its tributaries are the principal streams in the township. The early settlers were: James Bowen, William Arnold, William Harding, Thomas Gibson, Ebenezer Coburn, Jonathan Coburn, Clement Corbin, Seneca Allen, Ebenezer Lee, Roswell Lee, Henry Billings, Parley Coburn, Azariah Spalding, Arnold Armstrong, Jeremiah Dewing, Luther Buffington, Livingston Jenks, Capt. Leonard Case, Nathan Young, Richard Merrill, Thomas Corbin, Jacob Burbank, Samuel Griswold, Hezekiah Billings, Oliver Cooper, Abel Prince, Joseph Prince, George Pendleton, Robert Lee, Alfred Allen, Charles Sutton, Robert Button, Isaac VanBrunt, Samuel Mason, Lewis Barton, Samuel F. Mapes, John Pendleton, Preserve Buffington, Andrew Dewing. Wells Township. Wells township was formed in 1813, taken from Smitbfield. It is bounded on the north by the New York State line; on the east by South Creek ; on the south by Columbia; on the west by Tioga County, Pa. It is situated in the extreme north-west portion of Bradford County. Seeley Creek rises in the township and flows northward and eastward into the Chemung River, and Mill Creek rises in the town and flows west into the Tioga River, in Tioga County, Pa. The surface is broken, but well adapted to grazing and the dairy. There are three post-offices in the township. The Tioga and Elmira State Line Railroad touches its north-western boundary. Its early settlers were Rev. John Smith, Austin Reeder, Vincent Reeder, Lemuel Gaylord, Solomon Judson, Ithamar Judson, Silas Waldron, John Osgood, John Osgood, Jr., Isaac Judson, Samuel Edsall, Adam Seeley, Thomas Osgood, Shuabel Rowley, Shuabel Rowley, Jr., James Rowley, Jonathan Rowley, Benjamin Seeley, Squire Hyde, George Rowley Peter Rowley, William Ingalls, Samuel Ingalls, Thomas Warner, Truman Warner,' James Warner, Hiram Warner, James Gordon, Ralph Bovier, David Griswold, Peabody Keys, Peter P. French. West Burlington Township. West Burlington was formed in the year 1855, taken from Burlington. It is bounded on the north by Smithfield and Springfield, on the east by Burlington, on the south by Franklin and Granville, on the west by Troy. Mill Creek and Sugar Creek are the principal streams of the township. Its surface is rolling and undulating, and the soil is well adapted to grazing and the dairy. West Burlington is a small village and post town, located in the southern portion of the township, in the valley of Sugar Creek, on the stage road between Troy and Towanda. The chief pursuit of its inhabitants is agriculture. For early settlers etc., see Burlington. Wilmot Township. The township of Wilmot was formed in 1859, and named in honor of Hon. David Wilmot, a distinguished lawyer, member of congress, and author of the famous "Wilmot Proviso." It is bounded on the north by the Susquehanna river and Teny township, on the east by Wyoming county, on the-south by Sullivan county, on the west by Albany township. It is a very rich and productive township, and embraces a large quantity of alluvial lands, with very desirable table lands. Its early settlers were Thomas Keeney, Richard Keeney, Joshua Keeney, James Anderson, James Quick, Phillip Painter, Phillip Wycks, Leonard Lott, Christopher Schoonovej, Joseph Schoonover, Solomon Schoonover, Nathan Beeraan, Timothy Beeman, Judson Beeman, John Brown, Deidrick Vanpoel, Webster Seymour, Silas F. Andrus, William Brindle, John McCoy, Joseph Preston, James Ellsworth, Joseph Ingham. Ephrnim Barnes, Eliphalet Marsh, Simeon Marsh, Ebenezer Horton, Gideon Baldwin Jr., Abram Rosekrans, Samuel Gordon, John Gamble, John Kennedy, John Morrow, James Morrow, James Gamble, William Nesbit, Stephen Preston, Ignatius Wilson, Allen Wilson, Edward Winslow, Nathaniel Nesbit, Robert Stranger, Simeon Rockwell. Windham Township. Windham township was formed in 1813. It is bounded on the north by Tioga county, New York, on the east by the township of Warren, on the south by Orwell and Rome, and west by Litchfield. The principal streams in the township, are the Wysox creek, which flows in a southwest direction and discharges its waters into the Susquehanna river, at Wysox, in Bradford county, and the Wappasenning, which flows in a northwest direction and discharges its waters in the east branch of the Susquehanna, in Tioga county, New York. The surface of the township is broken and uneven, but generally well adapted to grazing and the dairy. Some very fine farms are to be found in the township. There are four post offices in the township, and several small villages. The early settlers were: Philo Brainard, Darius Brainard, Jeptha Brainard, Henry Brainard, Jeptha Brainard, Jr , Daniel Doane, Seth Doane, Joseph Doane, Stephen Smith, Joseph Webster, Gerard Smith, Rensselaer Moon, Jonah Fox, Thomas Fox, Russell Fox, Rev. David Short, Reuben Short, Lyman Winchester, Nathan Spalding, Augustus Hughling, Jonathan Pease, Edmund Russell, Parley Johnson, Amos Verbeck, Benjamin Shoemaker, Caleb Wright, James Mapes. Wyalusing Township. Wyalusing was first organized in 1790, twenty years previous to the formation of Bradford county. It is located upon the east shore of the Susquehanna river, near the south-eastern limit of Bradford county, and is bounded on the north by Herrick; on the east by Tuscarora; on the south and west by the Susquehanna river. The lands of the township are extremely fertile and productive; none better can be found in the commonwealth. The township is historic ground, the former home of the red man, and the site of their ancient villages. Settlements were made by white men upon its fertile flats previous to the revolutionary war. It was in this township that the Moravians established a mission among the Indians, and erected a church, laid out and built a village in 1765. In 1768 the Indians in their treaty with the commissioners of Pennsylvania, sold these lands occupied by these Indians and missionaries, and on the llth of June, 1772, they vacated, their village and removed to Ohio. In 1871, a monument was erected by the Moravian Historical Society, inscribed in a suitable manner, to mark the spot where a hundred years before, the red men and their families were taught by the Moravians the Christian religion, and where the remains of many of their number were buried. Delegations were present from Bethlehem, Nazareth in Northampton county, Lititz in Lancaster county, and from New York and Philadelphia to witness the ceremonies upon that occasion. The inscription upon the monument upon its northern face is: "To mark the site of Friedenshutten. (M'chwehilusing.) A settlement of Moravian Indians between 1765 and 1772." The pastern face reads: "This stone was erected on the 15th day of June, in the year of Redemption, 1871, by members of the Moravian Historical Society." Western face reads: "And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation and insure dwellings are in quiet resting places." The south face reads: "Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations; ask thy Father and He will show thee; thy elders and they will tell thee." The early settlers were Thomas Brown, Joseph Elliott, Henry Elliott, Isaac Hancock, Wareham Kingsley, Nathan Kingsley, Robert Carr, Stephen Beckwith, Sherman Buck, Amos Bennett, Richard Benjamin, Benjamin Ackley, Gideon Baldwin, Humphrey Brown, Gideon Baldwin, Jr., Thomas Lewis, James Wells, Cyrus Wells, Reuben Wells, Amasa Wells, Guy Wells, Justus Lewis, Benjamin Stalford, -Peter Stevens, Daniel Sterling, Justus Gaylord, Justus Gaylord, Jr., Abraham Bowman, Robert Lattimer, Ambrose Gaylord, David Shoemaker, Samuel Gordon, Joseph C. Town, John Hollenoack, James Anderson, Isaac Hancock, Judah Benjamin, Thomas Brink, Daniel Turrell, David Lake, Zackariah Price, David Lake, Job Camp, Jonas Ingham, William Dalton, Amos Hurlburt, Hiram Buck, Thomas Oviatt, Eleazer Price, Demmon Price, Asa Flint, Elijah Camp, Thomas Gardner, Francis Gardner. Benjamin Crawford, Nathan Winton, Humphrey Brown, Timothy Gaylord, Jabez Chamberlain, Gilbert Merritt, Daniel Merritt, Hezekiah Merritt, Alexander P. Biles, Lewis Biles, Simeon Marsh, Stephen Chalott, Elias Vaughan, John Taylor, John Hollenback, Peter Stevens, Jonas Ingham, Charles F. Wells, Nehemiah Main, Miles Bunnell, Nathaniel Parks, Zackariah Price, Bascom Taylor, Amos York, John Elliott. Wysox Township The township of Wysox was formed in 1795. It is now bounded on the north, by Rome township, on the east, by Orwell, Herrick and Standing Stone, on the south, by the Susquehanna river, on the west, by the Susquehanna river and Sheshequin. The soil is highly productive. The streams of the township are Susquehanna river and Wysox creek. The Lehigh Valley Railroad passes through the township. Meyersburg and Wysox are post towns and villages in the township. The first settlers were Isaac Van Valkenburg, Herman Van Valkenburg, Sebastian Strope, Isaac Strope Roswell Franklin, Benjamin Clark, Jehiel Franklin, Job Irish, Jesse Allen, Ralph Martin, Moses Coolbaugh, Ashahel Roberts, William Coolbaugh, John Hinman, James Lewis, Aaron Dean, Adam Mann, Nathaniel Moyer, John Parks, Moses Moody, Willard Green, Adrian Manville, Wilbur Bennett, Robert Bennett, Joshua Shores, Stephen Strickland, Jacob Strickland, Israel Atherton, Theopholis Moyer, Zackariah Price, Jacob Myer, William Myer. Nathaniel Heacock, Amos Mix, Burr Ridgway, Naptalea Woodburn, Elijah Trtcey, Elisha Whitney, J. W. Piolett, Doctor Seth D. Barstow, Stephen Pierce, Shepard Pierce, Samuel Coolbaugh. |
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