bullet Catherine ---- (103) was born about 1811 in Pennsylvania. (104)(105) The Rohrbach Genealogy book claims Catherine was born about 1811. However, her age in the 1850 census is shows as 32, which would mean a birth year of about 1818, which would make her marriage age a 11!

The LDS IGI file states that she was born about 1811. This is more likely more accurate. She died after 1850 in Woodbury Twp., Blair Co., Pa.. (106) Catherine appears in the 1850 census, but not John. She was most likely widowed. Catherine was discovered in the Census of 1850, Blair Co., Woodbury Twp., PA. However, it cannot be determined yet if she is Rachel's mother. There is no male member of the household recorded in the Census. Catherine was 32 at the time of the Census, old enough to be the mother of most of the children. However, there are two females, one 19 and one 18, which means that if Catherine was the mother of all, she would have been only 13 or 14 when the eldest girls were born.

It is also possible that Rachel's father had been married previously.

More research is needed. For now, Catherine is shown as the head of the family and others as sisters of Rachel.

The marriage information of the children are not complete as of May 2000, but the obituary of daughter Margaret states sisters as: Mrs. George M. Metz, Mrs. Frederick Ulrick, Mrs. J. J. Bohn, Mrs. W. H. Schwartz, Mrs. Andrew Riley and Mrs. Thomas R. Davis. We already know that Mrs. Davis is Rachel C. Rorabaugh. Margaret maiden name was in the obituary, but her son is named Charles Blake. One child is not mentioned in the obituary, so one can conclude that one child was deceased by 26 Dec 1899.

She was married to John RORABAUGH about 1829 in Huntingdon Co., Pa.. (107)(108) Then Huntingdon Co., today Blair Co. Marriage record would most likely only be found in church records since counties didn't start recording marriages until 1880s.

There was a small portion of Blair that belonged to Bedford County at that time. Children were: John RORABAUGH, Mary A. RORABAUGH, Rebecca RORABAUGH, Eliza RORABAUGH, Margaret RORABAUGH, Matilda RORABAUGH, Adalade RORABAUGH, Alucia RORABAUGH, Rachel Cecilia RORABAUGH.

bullet Catherine ----

She was married to Henry STEINER. (109)

bullet Catherine ---- was buried.(110) John Slabaugh believes that Catherine, second wife of John Stauffer, is likely to have been buried by her second husband. Presumably, John may have been buried by his first wife, also named Catherine.

She was married to John (Johannes) STAUFFER after 1760 in Lancaster Co., Pa.. (111) Children were: Susan STAUFFER, Magdalena STAUFFER.

She was married to John OYER by 23 May 1768 in Lancaster Co., Pa..(112)

bullet Catherine ----

She was married to Ulrich HUNSBERGER about 1725.(113) (114) Children were: Anna HUNSBERGER.

bullet Catherine ---- Possibly died before April 1796 since her husband Isaac married a second time on 19 April 1796.

She was married to Isaac BENNER .(115)

bullet Catherine ---- was born on 2 Jan 1762.(116) She was buried in Nov 1828 in Franconia Mennonite Cemetery, Franconia Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa..(117) She died on 3 Nov 1828.(118)

She was married to Sebastian BENNER.(119)

bullet Catherine ----(120)

She was married to John Philip SCHREYER.(121) Children were: Henry SCHREYER.

bullet Catherine ----

She was married to Ulrich HACKMAN about 1743 in Germany.(122) Children were: Barbara HOCKMAN.

bullet Christina ---- was born about 1630 in Krefeld, Lower Rhineland, Germany. (123) She was buried in Sep 1711 in St Stephens Church, Earlsville, Md..(124) She died on 4 Sep 1711 in Cecil, Md..(125)

She was married to Jacob Isaaks Van BEBBER about 1650 in Krefeld, Lower Rhineland, Germany.(126) Children were: Debra Van BEBBER.

bullet Cindy ----

She was married to Jeffery STONEBRAKER . Children were: Jason STONEBRAKER, Jeffery STONEBRAKER II, Rebecca STONEBRAKER.

bullet Danuel ---- Parents: ---- and Mary GRAGER.

bullet Deborah ----

She was married to Rev. Dirck Van Den Wyngaert KEYSER.(127)

bullet Donna ----

She was married to Ronald GENSAMER.

bullet Dora Imogene ---- (Private).

Children were: James LOVE , Donald LOVE, Jerry (Gerald) Wayne LOVE, Timothy LOVE.

bulletEleanor ---- was born in 1807 in Pennsylvania.(128) Census of 1850

She was married to Thomas VANSCOYOC . Children were: William VANSCOYOC, Abraham VANSCOYOC, Anna Mary VANSCOYOC, Theodore VANSCOYOC, Rebecca VANSCOYOC, Henry Clay VANSCOYOC, Sarah Eleanor VANSCOYOC .

bullet Elisabetha ---- was born on 8 Sep 1686 in Germany.(129) She was buried in Dec 1726 in Alsheim, Rhein Pfalz, Germany. (130) She died on 22 Dec 1726 in Alsheim, Rhein Pfalz, Germany. (131)

She was married to Johannes HODEL before 17 Jan 1712 in Alsheim, Rhein Pfalz, Germany. (132) Children were: Johann Carl Charles HOTTEL.

bullet Eliza ----

She was married to William LAUVER. (133)

bullet Eliza ----

She was married to James DUNN. (134) Children were: Ephraim DUNN.

bullet Elizabeth ---- was born about 1808 in Germany.(135) She appeared on the census on 3 Dec 1850 in Greenfield Twp., Blair Co., Pa..(136) She resided on 3 Dec 1850 in Greenfield Twp., Blair Co., Pa..(137) Note individual Christian Meyer,age 55 that was part of this family as noted in the Census of 1850. One possibility is that he was a brother of Elizabeth.

She was married to Franklin LAUVER. (138) Children were: Franklin LAUVER.

bullet Elizabeth ----

She was married to ---- DIMM. (139)

She was married to Christian SHELLY .(140)

bullet Elizabeth ----

She was married to Christopher SCHNEIDER .(141)

bullet Elizabeth ----(142) It is possible that she was the second wife of Abraham and may not be the mother of some or all of the Shelly children.

She was married to Abraham SHELLY .(143) Children were: Abraham SHELLY Jr., Jacob SHELLY, Joseph SHELLY, Christian SHELLY, John SHELLY, Michael SHELLY, Elizabeth (?) SHELLY, daughter SHELLY.

bullet Elizabeth ----

She was married to John BOWMAN. (144)

bullet Elizabeth ---- resided on 9 Mar 1833 in Franklin Twp., Huntingdon Co., PA. (145)

She was married to John GENSIMER .(146) Children were: Samuel GENSIMER, Hannah GENSIMER, George GENSIMER, John GENSIMER, William GENSAMER, Kitty GENSIMER, Betsy (Elizabeth?) GENSIMER.

bullet Elizabeth ----

She was married to Michael SCHENCK. (147)

bullet Elizabeth ----

She was married to Jacob GRAF. (148)

bullet Elizabeth ----

She was married to Jacob GRAF. (149)

bullet Elizabeth ----

She was married to Isaac SWARTZ. (150)

bullet Elizabeth ----(151)

She was married to Yelles CASSEL.(152) Children were: Abraham CASSEL.

bullet Elizabeth ----

She was married to Daniel DARRENDINGER .(153) Marriage possibly took place in Lancaster Co.
Children were: Catherine DARRENDINGER, Elizabeth DARRENDINGER, John DARRENDINGER.

bullet Elizabeth ---- was born about 1808 in Pennsylvania.(154) She died after 1850 in Pennsylvania.(155) She may have died in Metal Twp., Franklin Co., Pa., where there is a record of at least her husband George in the 1850 Census. She resided near his son John 1850 Census in Metal Twp., Franklin Co., Pa.. (156) There is some conjecture admitted by the source in the "Rohrbach Genealogy."

She was married to George RORABAUGH about 1825 in Pennsylvania.(157) They may have been married in Franklin Co., in or near Metal Twp. Children were: John RORABAUGH, George RORABAUGH , Samuel A. RORABAUGH, William RORABAUGH, Lamy (Lamanda?) RORABAUGH, Mary Ann RORABAUGH, Martin RORABAUGH, Elizabeth RORABAUGH, Diana RORABAUGH.

bullet Elizabeth ----

She was married to Henry RINE. (158) Children were: Susanna RINE.

bullet Elizabeth ----

Children were: Abraham FRETZ.

bulletEllen ----(159).

She was married to William BARTO.(160) Children were: Sarah Jane BARTO.

bullet Elva J. ---- was born in 1886.(161) She died in 1962.(162) She was buried in 1962 in Logan Valley Cemetery, Bellwood, Blair Co., PA. (163)

She was married to Elmer M. LAUVER .

bullet Emily ----(164)

She was married to George CHERRY. Children were: Warren CHERRY.

bullet Esther ----

She was married to Joseph GLASER. Children were: Frank GLASER, Burton GLASER.

bullet Eunice C ---- was born about 1821 in Maine.(165) She died on 30 Jun 1889 in Augusta, Kennebec, Maine. (166)

She was married to Frederic BRAWN in Maine.(167)

bullet Eva ---- died between 1800 and 1810 in Adams Co., Pa.. (168)

She was married to John Henry LAUVER .(169) (170)(171)

bullet Eve ----

She was married to Godshall GODSHALK. (172) Children were: Eve GODSHALK, Peter GODSHALK.

bullet Eve ----

She was married to Ulrich HACKMAN. (173)

bullet Flora M. ---- was born in 1887.(174) She was born in 1887. She died in 1980.(175) She was buried in 1980 in Logan Valley Cemetery, Bellwood, Blair Co., PA. She died in 1980. She was buried in 1980 in Logan Valley Cemetery, Bellwood, Blair Co., PA. unknown connection, but may be related to Roy D. Van Scoyoc (mother?).Could be the mother of Roy Van Scoyoc, Sr., based on headstones at Logan Valley Cemetery, Bellwood, Blair Co., PA

She was married to Edward A. VAN SCOYOC.

bullet Fronica ---- was born about 1720.(176) She died after 1766.(177) She resided Towamencin and Franconia Twps. in Montgomery Co., Pa..(178) The order of birth of all children is uncertain. There may have been additional children.

She was married to Nicholas YELLIS .(179) Children were: Henry YELLIS, John YELLIS, Margaret YELLIS, Anna YELLIS, Mary YELLIS, Franey YELLIS.

bullet Geraldine ----

She was married to ---- MURTIFF. (180)(181) Children were: Kaye Louise MURTIFF.

She was married to Antonia DERENZO. (182)(183)

bullet Gertrude ---- was born about 1656 in Germantown, Philadelphia Co., Pa.. (184)

She was married to Peter Kunders CONRAD about 1678 in Pennsylvania.(185) Children were: Catharina Kunders CONRAD.

bullet Grace ----

She was married to John WICNEFSKY. (186) Children were: Irma WICNEFSKY.

bullet Helena ---- was born in 1702.(187)

She was married to Jan Hermans GODSHALK. (188)

bullet Henrietta ---- was born on 29 Jan 1829.(189) She was buried in Oct 1869 in Graybill Cemetery, W. Perry Twp., Snyder Co, Pa..(190) She died on 28 Oct 1869. (191)

She was married to Amos WINEY Jr..(192)

bullet Holly ----

She was married to Richard Gerald GENSAMER .

bullet Jane ----

She was married to Robert Allen GENSAMER Sr. . Children were: Christine GENSAMER, Robert Allen GENSAMER Jr..

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